We can provide insurance cover to make your trip safer when you rent a car.  We offer a wide range of insurances to reduce your liability expenses and give you extra protection in the event of an accident.

Reduces the excess (CDI and TPI)

A rental car has car insurance in the same way as a private car.  The difference is that the excess on a hire car is considerably higher.  In some cases, up to the value of the car.  With Comprehensive Damage Insurance (CDI), the excess in the event of a collision is reduced to NOK 10.000.

With Theft Insurance (TPI) the excess is reduced to NOK 10.000 if the car is stolen or vandalized.

Damage to glass and tires is not covered. General car hire terms and conditions apply.

Extra excess reduction (SCDI and STPI)

Super Collision Damage Insurance (SCDI) and Super Theft Protection (STPI) is an optional insurance that reduces the deductible to NOK 3.000 in the event of theft of or damage to the rental car. 

Damage to glass and tires is covered. General car hire terms and conditions apply.

Zero Excess Protection (ZEP)

Zero excess protection (ZEP) is an optional insurance which reduces the exces to NOK 0 in the event of damage to the hire car.  In order to take out this insurance, you must purchase comprehensive damage insurance and theft insurance (CDI and TPI).  

Damage to glass and tires is covered. General car hire terms and conditions apply.

Safety for yourself and your passengers (PAI)

Personal Accident Insurance covers the driver and passengers.  The insurance covers traffic accidents and provides compensation for disability and medical expenses or death.   Compensation for medical disability is maximum NOK 500.000 per person.  Compensation in the event of death is NOK 100.000 per person.

Tyre and Windshield Protection (TWP)

This insurance covers damage to the vehicles tyres and outside windshield (including sunroof) as a result of a sudden unexpected accident caused by a third party.  When you take out windshield insurance, the insured’s deductible is reduced from NOK 5.000 to NOK 0.  You must purchase comprehensive damage insurance and theft insurance, to take out this additional insurance cover.

Road Assistance Insurance (RAP)

This insurance covers assistance in the event of tyre change, empty petrol tank, keys locked inside the vehicle, etc.  The insurance does not cover self-inflicted situations such as filling the wrong type of petrol and does not eliminate the insured’s deductible in the event of damage or theft, regardless of which insurance you choose at the time of pick-up.  The insurance is obligatory for car hire across borders.